
Bioenergetics Therapy 

Bioenergetics Information Method (BIM) is a safe energetic Healing and a gentle Holistic Energy Healing alternative. It recognizes the influence of nutrition, toxic load, inflammation and acidity that is contributing to ill health. It works on dual systems of information and energy fields. The quantum physics of Albert Einstein recognizes that all matter is compressed energy which, therefore, has an energy field.

"Everything is Energy and that is all there is to it . Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It cannot be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics". 
 (A. Einstein)

" If you want to find the secrets of the universe think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration"

Nikola Tesla 1856-1943)

The Bioenergetic healing is completely pain-free and has no harmful side effects. It does not only target a symptom but it acts at its root cause.

This Holistic Energy Healing Method is useful for supplementing conventional medicine.

Bioenergetic Healing sets out to intervene in human health in ways that are in harmony with Nature:

  • It amplifies healthy oscillations and can inverse irregular signals.
  • It supports weak organs and balances those that are overworking
  • It improves natural body healing capacities
  • It intensifies a positive call for light into one’s life and can help to balance uncontrolled emotions to Self-Healing.
  • It gives health awareness that complete healing is manifested in the now especially in the moment one’s attention is totally towards the Inner Self
  • It improves the body ‘s ability to Regulate itself
  • It relieves the immune system reducing and neutralizing the side effects of physical and emotional stressors
  • It stimulates the body’s eliminating organs energetically
  • It helps to relieves pain (a tissue’s cry for flowing energy)
  • It enhances energy flow and gives constitutional support that will improve the individual’s wellbeing

For Energetic Healing 
Contact Alexandra Maria Verri Holistic Elohim 


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